Welcome to the ESMRMB Online Educational Video Library!
This library contains ESMRMB Webinars and other recorded material such as ESMRMB Education courses and recorded Congress lectures. Content will regularly be added.
Some recordings within the library are available to everyone, whereas most content is accessible for active members only.
To unlock protected content, kindly check your membership status and ensure your are an active member. Please login either at the top of the website (Login to ePortal) or by clicking on the respective video. If the access has been denied, please contact office@esmrmb.org to check your membership status.
Do not forget to check out our School of MRI, Lectures on MR and Hands-on MRI where upcoming courses and webinars are announced and registration will be possible.
More freely available videos (i.e. MRI together,…) can be watched on ESMRMB Youtube Channel.