ESMRMB is committed to helping its members grow and succeed. Through the Mentoring Programme, a supportive network is created connecting fellow ESMRMB members (peers, senior scientists and clinicians) and providing guidance in career advancement or exploration of various aspects of MRI research, time management, leadership, or clinical MRI.
This fantastic opportunity is aimed at providing a rewarding experience for both mentor and mentee based on the specific requirements of both parties (this could also include peer-to-peer mentorship, but please note that mentorship does not include scientific supervision).
To become a mentee or a mentor, send a short email to expressing your interest by indicating your area of expertise and the specific guidance you’re looking for. We will try to find the perfect mentor for you! (An active ESMRMB membership status is required to join the programme.)
Currently, the following mentors are available:
Edwin Oei, Rotterdam, NL
– Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Clinical Scientist
Marion Smits, Rotterdam, NL
– Neuroradiologist, Clinical Scientist
Andrew Webb, Leiden/NL
– MR Hardware, Low Field, Very High Field MRI, RF Coil Design
Richard Bowtell, Nottingham/UK
– MR Physics, Ultra High Field, Systems Engineering, Susceptibility Contrast
Patricia Figueiredo, Lisbon/PT
– Functional MRI, Perfusion, Multimodal, ASL MRI
Cornelius Faber, Münster/DE
– Preclinical, Multimodal neuroimaging, Molecular MRI
José Marques, Nijmegen/NL
– Radboud University
Xavier Golay, London/GB
– Gold Standard Phantoms
Eric Schrauben, Amsterdam/NL
– Amsterdam UMC
Peer-to-peer mentors:
Hendrik Mattern, Magdeburg/DE
Daniel Hoinkiss, Fraunhofer-MEVIS/DE
Lena Vaclavu, Leiden/NL
Joana Pinto, Oxford/UK